Parks Soundscape Project

Led by CASE board member Leonardo Cabrera, this project (2023-ongoing) involves a number of CASE members documenting the soundscapes of various remarkable natural protected places including national parks (Rouge National Urban Park (RNUP), Point Pelee National Park (PPNP) and Gulf Island National Park Reserve GINPR), provincial parks (Algonquin Park) and other significant conservation areas (Pelee Island Bird Sanctuary and Reserve). The project’s primary objectives are:

1) to initiate a soundscape inventory of Canada’s national parks and protected areas to form an enduring acoustic ecological baseline suitable to be used to inform current and future critical components of the acoustic integrity of such places;

2) with this experience and information, for CASE to help activate awareness and critical action-oriented thinking about the value and protection of Canada’s natural soundscapes.

Currently CASE is forming a digital library with these recordings which are shared with the public through CASE Soundcloud.

This page will be updated as more soundscapes are created by CASE members.


Carol Ann Weaver:  Pelee Island Recordings, May 6-12, 2024

Individual recordings feature migrating forest birds including Yellow Warbler, Warbling Vireo, Carolina Wren, Blackpole; and wetlands birds (many of whom migrate) including American Bittern, Canada Geese, Pied-billed Grebe, plus the Green Frog.  (Each individual sound recording has further notes about sonic events on the recording.)

Julie Andreyev: Gulf Islands recordings, August 2-3, 2023

These recordings were made in parks associated with the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, BC. There are a series of parks on North and South Pender Island. Montague Harbour Park on Galiano Island is included here, although not part of the GINPR. Listen to a raven couple call to each other alongside nuthatches and brown creepers at Beaumont; Marbled Murrelets from Mt Norman; insects and birds in a dawn chorus at Prior Centennial; the sounds of waves on the shore at Roe Islet; and birds and frogs at Roe Lake. (Each track has further notes about the recording).

The recordings used a Rode NTSF1 Ambisonic mic, with a Mixpre 6 field recorder. The files were exported to binaural