CASE is on the case : changing our membership structure

September 7, 2023


Formed in 1996 as the Canadian Affiliate Organization of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), The Canadian Association for Sound Ecology (CASE) / Association canadienne pour L’écologie sonore (ACÉS) is a coalition of Canadian individuals and institutions concerned with the state of the soundscape. See About CASE for more information.

CASE is pleased to announce that as of July 19, 2023 membership in CASE is free for all those interested in furthering the aims and objectives of CASE. This includes Canadian citizens living in Canada or abroad and non-Canadians interested in acoustic ecology in Canada. This free membership is for individuals and individuals representing organizations or institutions who agree to abide by CASE bylaws and policies (see CASE by-laws or download this PDF version)

Membership privileges include a range of activities such as member meetings, voting at the annual general meeting, involvement in projects and participation on the board of directors. Voting and participation on the board of directors is reserved for Canadian citizens only. CASE has a rich history of activities supporting research, awareness, and education about acoustic ecology. Your membership will allow CASE to pursue innovative projects promoting/supporting acoustic ecology and related fields in Canada. CASE is a bilingual organization (English and French), however most activities at this time take place in English. 

DONATIONS: We encourage members who have the resources to donate annually to support basic operating costs (bank and internet fees, projects, etc). We suggest an annual donation of $40 (or more) for those who are employed or with stable revenue and $20 (or less) for students, unemployed or under-employed. 20% of all donations will be shared annually with the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), of which CASE is an affiliate member, for shared services such as the Acoustic Ecology Journal and international conferences such as Listening Pasts – Listening Futures.

To join CASE or to update your membership, please fill out this form. You’ll be asked for your name, coordinates, to agree to respect the CASE by-laws and a web link for more information on your work in acoustic ecology.

You will also receive information from the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE). You’ll remain a member until you request to be removed from the email list to

To make a donation, send funds to the CASE Paypal account. Annual reminders for donations will be sent in January of each year.

For more information contact


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